Friday, November 19, 2010

Google Nexus S is Real

Yes, it's true, the second Google Phone is no longer a rumour or just a dream, the Google Nexus S is real, it was revealed by none other than Eric Schmidt himself.
During a talk at the Web 2.0 Summit, the Google Nexus S made a special guest appearance. The manufacturer label was covered but the current rumors say it's Samsung and that the phone is based on their Galaxy S line. However, Google's CEO called it "an unannounced phone by an announced manufacturer", so it could be a new device altogether and it may as well dump the "S" moniker.
It runs the upcoming Android 2.3 Gingerbread, which will launch in the next month - and probably it will debut alongside the Nexus S.
As for the changes between versions 2.2 and 2.3, we've heard things like WebM support (Google's own video format) and official tablet support with high resolution screens allowed.
Anyway, the Google Nexus S features NFC - Near Field Communication - a system that is aimed at replacing credit cards and other smart cards. Other companies have tried it (e.g. Nokia had a couple of NFC-enabled phones), but the tech never gained momentum.

The rest of the specs for the Nexus S are a mystery, but the screen is an AMOLED unit, probably a 4" one and the phone is reportedly very thin.

Specifications (rumoured) can be found here.


SuciƓ Sanchez said...

Kind of want.

MarkoManager said...

Interesting post...

dee jey said...

very cool phone

pixel said...

seems like the first one just came out...

SpringyB said...

What an awesome name. GOOGLE NEXUS

rominoutozor said...

Wow amazing phone !

Willow said...

Wasn't the Nexus on Star Trek The Next Generation? lol

David Davidson said...

Um, not sure if want...

i_love_weed said...

finally some decent competition for the iphone

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