Today I wish to update you on our progress, our main goal, and also to hear out your opinions as readers.
Having so many readers in such a short amount of time, really made the PhonesLand team get very excited, and thus, even more dedicated to bringing you the best news and updates out there.
Notice that we have a section in the right side of our website called "Useful Links", where we have a small list of websites. There you will find:
- a small phone database website (increasing over time) www.phonesdb.net
- a Nokia N8 complete full review www.gsmnokian8.blogspot.com
- an Apple iPhone 4 complete full review www.phonesappleiphone4.blogspot.com
- this list increases as phones are becoming available to consumers
There are also two pages about our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on the bottom of the main page.
In the future we hope to succeed in bringing you more and better services , like:
- Contests with prizes in money or in new phones ;
- More interaction with our readers (like posting pictures/clips made with their gadgets) ;
We would like to hear you opinions and suggestions for our website, and remember being honest wont HURT us, it will HELP us.
Looks nice. I'll certainly take a look.
The more reviews the better!
Just found your blog.
Some great stuff here.
Cool stuff
@Telia Tuli
It's not just a blog anymore, we have a fully dedicated team working for our website now.
tigey, head of the PL Team
Very interesting to watch your development.
site looks great... excited to see where the development leads!
I really like what you've been doing, your site has been helpful now that I'm in the market for a new phone.
Glad to see the improvements looking forward to those contests and prizes
Well contests sound pretty awesome.
I'm new here but it sounds pretty good man :)
thanks for the updates !
I am eagerly anticipating those future contests. Your team has put a lot of work in developing this site. Keep up the good work!
Good luck getting everything started up :D
great job.
It'll be interesting to watch as your site grows
Doubt you will but has your team thought about putting up a section to unlock certain phones?
This is a very good idea, we will consider it.
Thank you for your suggestion,
Victor, member of PL Team
Yeah an unlock section would gather a ton of traffic
good updates, useful links
loving the updates!
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Please use decent language and don't spam your website title. Anyone can see your website by simply clicking your profile.