Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Google Latitude in App Store for good

 After a brief appearance on the Japanese App Store a few days ago, the app is now officially out on Apple's App Store which means your mom /dad /spouse / kids will always know where you are. You could even start stalking your ex-es or future-es... or whoever you want !


For those of you who don't know what is this Google Latitude - this app puts you and your friends on the map so you know where to find them at all times. It runs in the background, not needing to keep the app open or phone unlocked.

Of course you can limit your location updates to city level, hide it or completely turn it off.

Too bad that the minimum requirements are hard to meet: iOS 4 , iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4.



SpringyB said...

Oh the possibilities. This is cool though, hopefully it has an on/off choice and a block feature.

honkhonkpt said...

This is kind of cool actually. Seems sort of stalker-ish though :/

cooperlife said...

aaaaand que the conspiracy theorists believing the government is already tracking where we are at all times...

Sam said...

This is not cool to use if u've got issues with the law :P

000 said...

Handy app!

Mr Bouchard said...

Oh god, you had me scared there! Thought you couldn't turn it off or something! This looks like something useful for people like my mother who often get lost going pretty much anywhere!

Suciô Sanchez said...

That's a great app.

stm said...

about damn time.

World of Zero said...

Would be nice to have. A cool App.

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