Wednesday, December 15, 2010

iPhone brings your very own virtual girlfriend

They say you can use Apple's iPhone for anything, but we really never thought about this .Korean developer Nabix released the " Honey, it's me" iPhone app that apparently will solve men's girlfriend problems. For just $1.99, Korean-speaking iPhone users can now brag about having a cool girlfriend who will video call them 4 times a day with over 100 phrases like "Hello" , "Good night , sweet dreams", etc.


Your new virtual girlfriend is a 20 -something "Mina" and she will make you feel needed in this dark, cruel world. This is no joking manner, the app has been downloaded 80,000 times on the first day.

Nabix plans to release a version for Android too and in other languages such as Japanese (nothing mentioned about English).



Tsipise said...

My real gf might get jealous...

Usagi said...

i hope the virtual girlfrenz can become reality:)

Smatchimo said...

after the fight i just had with my gf, i can see why this would be nice to have.

Sam said...

This is not a good thing in the long run.

If you're looking for a girlfriend u have to get u're but out of your comfort zone and go meet real girls/women.

Otherwise this is just like playing with yourself only u have to pay $1.99

Mr Bouchard said...

This is amazingly sad how some people are desesperate and lonely! Where is the world going?

Sv3ntevith said...

Nice app but people should get some self confidence and try to get a real girlfriend. They have nothing to lose.

Arian said...

omg I feel bad for the 80000 downloads, so much loneliness

SuciƓ Sanchez said...

Try the gadget o=in the left margin of this blog.

(BTW Useful blog for ad tips.)

noog said...


i think that's all i have to say...

stm said...


Reason said...

Well that's a bit sad, isn't it, haha.

Toliver Edge said...

I have a girlfriend and I'd still be pretty pumped to have an asian girl call me 4 times a day. :D

cooperlife said...

ladies - take note of this. This is what guys want. Send your boyfriend loving messages 4 times a day.

David Davidson said...

now all the neck-beards can have more fun pretending they are getting laid

SpringyB said...


Joel C Anatoli said...

lol... I came across something similar.. I think its called virtual girlfriend kari.. seems interesting..

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