Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Justin Long trolling a teen for 2 months with iPhone

Today we wanted to share with you an oldie but goldie.
Some of you may already know about this, but we think even the second time is funny, we know it's long, but give it a shot:
You have to admire Justin Long's evilness, since he trolled that teen for 2 months with his iPhone:

(fast forward to min 3 if you dont want to see the boring part)


So ? Is Justing Long funny or what ?
Also, did anyone notice something with his iPhone in the end when he closes the sms app ?

EDIT: after he closes sms app, you can see that his iPhone has Cydia installed, which means his iPhone is jailbroken :)


SpringyB said...

U write bieber not beeber


Sam said...

what about his phone? the apps?

poups said...

i lolled so much
wtf :D

Mr Bouchard said...

That sure was funny but I still don't see what there is once he close his sms app

stm said...


mac guy isn't slave to apple.

tigey said...

@stm got it, article edited with answer

SuciƓ Sanchez said...


cooperlife said...

he's not bad, but those Mac commercials annoy the fuck out of me.

Arian said...

I want to see the reaction to this kid seeing this and now realizing that he was talking to Justin Long

stoneycase said...

BEEBER, no BIEBER. He shall now be known as the BEEBER.

Alex said...

great porn name...


Tsipise said...

OMG. Thads soooo funny.

Joel C Anatoli said...

Hahahah!!!! Nice

Bart said...

that guys name is justin long? i always thought it was something along the line of Mac Guy. . .

Anonymous said...

funny :p

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