Last year the word "tweet" managed to rise above all others with no real competition, but in 2010, the Amercan Dialect Society had a hard time choosing the winner, but ultimately, only one word was able to beat his rivals.
Runners up include words like "junk" and "Wikileaks", but the word that ended up becoming the clear winner was "app". The simple three lettered word manged to stay into the minds of consumers thanks to Apple's "there's an app for that " slogan.
If you guys want to be super duper formal, you can refer it as" application" , but it sounds more natural and easier during conversations to call it "app".
Do you guys agree with "app" as the winner ? Do you have other examples ? Share them in the "Comments Section" !
I think the word boobs should be the winner :D
Boobs are always winners, think of this as the second place awards.
You guys are kinda missing the point, the word "boob(s)" has been around for a very long time, I was thinking something that really caught your attention in 2010 (like "boxxy" - search youtube boxxy if you dont know her) :) but I don't mind, go ahead and post any word you like :)
boobs is way better of a word than app, app imo is boring. boobs however, are always win
Depends where you browse: I'd vote for "trap".
people actually look for junk?
everywhere i turned i heard a "app" so yeah, "app" is the word.
Congrats app...
boobs definitly shouldve won :/
boobs. Or maybe Sucio has the right idea.
magnets should have been the word of the year. btw, how do they work?
hmmm... i use the word "tits" far more than "apps" but hey, you can't argue with statistics.
i assume it was an adult oriented thing?
I vote junk. In my heart I know it's app.
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