For Verizon customers, 3am EST on February 3rd feels like it might never get here. That is when Verizon will start accepting pre-orders for the
iPhone 4. With a limited supply and a huge pent-up demand for the device, sleeping while the carrier starts taking pre-orders could end up with you shut out while stocks are being replenished. You might want to set multiple alarm clocks, or even call one of those numbers that will give you a wake-up call. Lastly, you could pull an all-nighter, celebrating your new Apple iPhone purchase by watching old movies or ancient sitcoms on television.
To keep you up to date on how much time is left until pre-orders are accepted, Verizon has put up a countdown page on its web site. If your current phone has a countdown timer, you can synchronize it with the time on the site to make sure you are awoken just in time.
Can't wait
I'm happy for Verizon users that want an Iphone but I'll take the android any day :D
Wait... A countdown to preorders? Their is far better things than waiting to wait to get an IPhone.
How many bugs will this release have?
I think I'll stick with my HTC 7 Surround WIndows 7 Phone. :D
What is it with you and those countdowns? :P
Can't wait...
nice function
That's a beautiful eyegasm, I really want one...
havent these been out for like 2 years alrdy?
I know so many people that can't wait for this to occur.
patiently waiting for T-Mobile to get its act together and bribe Apple... I hate not having 3G on my jailbroken iPhone4... feelsbadman
Always a countdown.
Always upgrades.
I shouldn't of watched ZeitGeist.
cant wait to have that
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