Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Google Nexus S failure during longer calls is now official

Nexus S users have been complaining about their phone rebooting during calls longer than 3 minutes, but up until recently Google did not admit the issue publicly. It has now been successfully reproduced by a Google employee and hopefully a fix will come out soon.

The phone sometimes restarts with no apparent reason in some circumstances, but more often during longer calls.

It is not yet clear whether it is a software related problem or a hardware one.
Being a Gingerbread issue would be much more convenient for the phone, while a hardware problem would mean one of the biggest Google fail in a long time
Best Buy 's 2 two week return policy is ending pretty fast, so people have little time to think about what to do.

Have you experienced the same frustrating issue on the Nexus S ?



Sam said...

Keep you're calls short! Save the planet!

Vapor said...

This is why I don't buy first gen.

Major Mack said...

thats just wonderful :)

Toliver Edge said...


*Happily plays with iPhone*

The Viking said...

No I haven't experienced anything like that, but thanks for informing us, dude!

Ante Babaja said...

im shure they will fix it very soon

Brut said...

>Toliver Edge

Better hope your finger isn't covering the top corner! :X

Copyboy said...

Glad I still have my iphone.

Anonymous said...

That's why you got to wait until they fix the bugs :)

The Champ said...


000 said...

That serves them right. They can't monopolyze everthing

Mitch Cann said...

enjoying my iphone

Fire Pursuit said...

don't have one but i would surely would want one.

Monster Madness said...

Man that sucks :/

Anonymous said...

that sucks. i'm looking into android now but they seems too varied so i can't make up my mind at all.

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