Please keep in mind that iPhone 's test is not made by Apple scientists , but it should still give you an idea of it's resistance.
Just in case you missed the Nokia N8 Drop Test you can view it here, and tell us, still think iPhone 4 is better?
The most important phone test of all IMO.
Just the thought of dropping a phone makes me cringe.
Looks like I shouldn't own one of these! My old video ipod broke because it felt countless number of times on the floor.
"Just in case" If the phone were in some sort of case it might havIT'S WINDY OUT, RECORD LATER.
Sorry. It's all in how it's dropped. Phones are pretty delicate things now. No fancy "drop simulator machine" from Nokia for this!
yeah, good test
I wonder if i drop my laptop like that, will it brake?
Dropping laptops is something very common and you can be sure that the big companies have thought about that and designed their laptops to survive most drops , even on hard floors, and coffee spills.
after 2 drops is it dead already or just go to power off mode?
@ Victor - then why do they keep designing the power socket to split/melt? (-;
@invagrantly just like the iphone above, when the device (phone, laptop, etc) suffers a shock , it shuts down to protect himself. I'm not sure after how many drops.
I'm not sure what are you trying to ask, are you reffering to the laptop's power jack ? Is it melting when you charge it ?
my problem with phones is just losing them ever 2-3 months, any ways of fixing that?
Poor phone! :/
Thats why i'll stick to my old phone..
I hope that doesn't happen to me.
Lol that it died after 2 drops.
gotta hate hi tech!
why would you do that to a poor defenseless iphone??
breaking your $500 phone that way has to be a v special feeling.
hit it!
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