Monday, January 24, 2011

New Apple iPhone commercial features both Verizon and AT&T

The new commercial of Apple's tocuhscreen phone now tells us about Apple's decision of accepting Verizon.The tag line is "Two is better than one" and for Apple, that is certainly true when discussing revenue stream. Enjoy this peaceful and relaxing video:

Do you guys think that "Our Apple iPhone is better than your Apple iPhone" war will start?
Let us know in the Comments Section !



Vapor said...

And so began the hipster wars.

Anonymous said...

iPhones are cool, I still like my blackberry better!

Sam said...

Well the music is sure stylish, mixing the classics and high tech seems like a great idea

noog said...

Still waiting on T-mobile... I have a jailbroken iPhone4 and I'm sick of not having 3G!

erics said...

consumerism everywhere!

Ben Dover said...

Never really tried iPhones, I'm happy with the phone I have.

SuciƓ Sanchez said...

Still not ready to pay up for a data plan.

watchman said...

not impressed

Ante Babaja said...

my friend waited for about a month. stupid t mobile

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