Saturday, January 15, 2011

Woman falls in a mall fountain while texting

Texting running your life? Take a cool refreshing bath in your local mall fountain !

We've heard other stories about a teenager falling into a manhole because of texting, but this video taken from a security camera shows a woman too busy texting away to even notice that she's on a collision course with a mall fountain – eventually falling into it.

Mr. La Forge ! Evasive Maneuvers !

But , hey , enough words, just check out this video where this woman falls in the mall fountain while texting :

Probably she was like "what is this I don't even..." .

Tell us in the "Comments Section" : Do you think she finished sending the text ? and more importantly :
Can you imagine her driving a car (while texting) ?



watchman said...

lol wrecked

Usagi said...

definitely she don't finished texting. she must be really shocked after the fall:)

Vapor said...

Answers: "No" and "I fear for the safety of every human, animal, car, and wall on the planet."

erics said...

walking while texting kills.

Anonymous said...

people like this shouldn't get a phone..

Major Mack said...

serves her right!

SuciƓ Sanchez said...

Like Jerry Ford: "so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time".

Monster Madness said...

Lol, acting like nothing unusual happened xD

noog said...

hahahahaha... there is a GOD... hahahahahaha

Smatchimo said...

the last thing she read was "R u hot?"

Anonymous said...

aaaaahhahahaha... funny

Brut said...

The lack of brain cells is appalling.

Ante Babaja said...

i loled :D

Anonfourtwenty said...


itsfranz said...

lol fail

Fire Pursuit said...

cmon...she was probably having phone message sex so it's understandable that she got wet.

The Viking said...

Must not have been fun xD

World of Zero said...

People and their phones. hahahahaha.

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